Monday, April 21, 2008


I met Stan at WallBall in Saint Louis and found his work fascinating. (WallBall is a fundraising event to support the arts) We walked in to the 3rd Degree Glass Factory to 30 blank canvases..throughout the evening the excitement climbed as the panels of white turned to works of art. Although I was out bid on Stan's piece I have remained in contact with him. Check him out on his webpage 18andcounting

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Creepy and yet totally brilliant addition for the Loo. Your guests may second guess your sanity but you should always keep them guessing!
Vitamin D(esign)


Although I am relatively new to the art scene I can recognize a good thing when I come across one. These book autopsies by Brian Dettmer are fascinating works of art.
Each one unique, each one more intricate than the next...a coveted addition to my budding art collection. Go to Centripital Notion for more information.